Savings Calculator

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Discover Your Savings Now!

Use the payback calculator below to unlock potential savings on your electricity bill. See how much Bay Lighting can help your commercial property save through energy efficiency and LED lighting. Your investment could pay for itself in little to no time!
Wattage Per
Original Bulb
Wattage Per
Replacement Bulb
Energy Cost
($ per kWh)
Number Of
Bulbs Replaced
Hours Per Day
The Lights Are On
Days Per Year
The Lights Are On
Initial Project Upgrade Cost
(without commas, dollar signs)

Your Results

{{ parseFloat( form.costProject / ( (((((form.wattOrig * form.bulbs) * form.valHours) * form.valDays) * 0.001) * form.costEnergy) - (((((form.wattReplace * form.bulbs) * form.valHours) * form.valDays) * 0.001) * form.costEnergy) ) ).toFixed(2) }} Years
{{ addNumberComma( Math.round( ((((form.wattOrig * form.bulbs) * form.valHours) * form.valDays) * 0.001) - ((((form.wattReplace * form.bulbs) * form.valHours) * form.valDays) * 0.001) ) ) }} kWh
${{ addNumberComma( parseFloat( (((((form.wattOrig * form.bulbs) * form.valHours) * form.valDays) * 0.001) * form.costEnergy) - (((((form.wattReplace * form.bulbs) * form.valHours) * form.valDays) * 0.001) * form.costEnergy) ) ) }}
*Results are an estimation based on your input.

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Bright Ideas Blog

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June 9, 2024
Apartment unit turns, or apartment turnover, is the process that happens from the time one tenant moves out until the next tenant moves in. This is an easy, budget-friendly time to consider renovations since there aren’t currently tenants in the unit, and it can make the apartment more appealing to future tenants.
May 13, 2024
Each year, Earth Day invites us to reflect on the environmental impact of our daily choices and the ways we can build a healthier planet. In the spirit of this day, let’s explore the significant role that lighting plays in our environmental footprint.


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