About Us

About Bay Lighting

In the early 2000s, the electrical distribution industry was in a consolidation phase. Large chains were purchasing local companies, and the marketplace was becoming void of personal touch. Many commercial lighting customers sought the professional guidance and customized service they had relied on in the past. Brothers John and Kevin Richardson recognized the opportunity for a new, local company to shine. With a focus on the property management sector, Bay Lighting was founded in 2003 to provide property management companies premier lighting solutions for their facilities.

Our Name, Our Roots

The name Bay Lighting was derived with purpose. The company name defines the area we serve – the Chesapeake BAY region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

We specialize in LIGHTING. We are a lighting supplier: our goal is to provide customers with the best lighting for their space. This specialty distinguishes us from traditional electrical suppliers.

Growing up in the Bay area, as our family’s second generation in the lighting business, the BAY and LIGHTING are in our roots. Every day, we strive to bring customers our best in the world of lighting. Similarly, we strive to bring our best to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, and the environment in which we live, by following best practices in industry recycling processes.

Our Mission: Providing premier lighting solutions.

Premier Lighting Solutions Scholarship


Inspired by one of our core values of providing value through knowledge and execution, Bay Lighting offers a yearly Premier Lighting Solutions Scholarship to one  college student. Each year, our essay topic gives thought to responsible and sustainable lighting practices in an effort to create awareness of energy consumption, recycled goods, and our responsibility to protect the environment. We encourage applicants to be inventive and strive to find a better way. Visit our scholarship page for additional details and application information. https://baylighting.net/premier-lighting-solutions-scholarship/

Bay Lighting's Core Values

  • We have integrity.
  • We are driven by success.
  • We succeed when our employees, customers, and vendors mutually benefit.
  • We provide superior service and exceed expectations.
  • We fulfill our commitments.
  • We set attainable goals and accomplish them in a timely manner.
  • We provide value through knowledge and execution.
  • We work as a team.
  • We recognize the importance of each individual to achieve company goals.
  • We communicate consistently with our customers, employees, and vendors.
  • We work hard to achieve customer satisfaction.
  • We learn from our failures and successes.
  • We only accept the best. We work to earn our success every day.


Bright Ideas Blog

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June 9, 2024
Apartment unit turns, or apartment turnover, is the process that happens from the time one tenant moves out until the next tenant moves in. This is an easy, budget-friendly time to consider renovations since there aren’t currently tenants in the unit, and it can make the apartment more appealing to future tenants.
May 13, 2024
Each year, Earth Day invites us to reflect on the environmental impact of our daily choices and the ways we can build a healthier planet. In the spirit of this day, let’s explore the significant role that lighting plays in our environmental footprint.


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